8 Ways to Improve Mental Health of Schoolchildren

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According to psychiatrist in Bhopal, there are several ways parents can help their children have a strong self-esteem.

According to psychiatrist in Bhopal, there are several ways parents can help their children have a strong self-esteem. Here are 8 ways parents can improve the mental health of schoolchildren.

1) Discuss feelings with your child

To avoid having your child experience stress or anxiety, talk to them about how they feel when something happens. Show that you are interested in what is going on with them by listening to their concerns, fears, hopes and aspirations.

2) Provide your children with enough sleep

Schoolchildren who do not get enough sleep may experience difficulty concentrating at school, irritability, headaches or eye strain. Mental health problems can also result from a lack of sufficient rest. Parents should make sure that their kids get the bulk of their rest during the night and a short nap during the day if needed.

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3) Involve your child in community service activities

The mental health of schoolchildren can be improved through volunteer work. It instills a sense of civic responsibility or even compassion for people less fortunate than themselves, which helps build self-respect and confidence. In addition to improving self-esteem, the physical health of children can improve with these activities.

4) Encourage healthy eating habits

Mental health can be negatively affected by obesity or nutritional deficiencies. A poor diet contributes greatly to depression, anxiety, mood swings and other mental disorders. Parents should ensure that their kids eat nutritious food regularly throughout the day. This includes three meals a day with some snacks in between rather than one big meal.

5) Teach your child how to meditate

Meditation can help schoolchildren relax and feel peaceful during testing times or when under stress at school or home. It also helps them deal with problems more effectively so they are not overwhelmed by negative emotions such as anger, fear or anxiety. Meditation is best taught by parents who practice this ability themselves.

6) Listen to your child without judging

When children go through a tough time, they need a listening ear and someone who can empathize with what they are going through. Parents should listen patiently and refrain from giving advice unless asked for it, as many children just want someone who will listen and not preach.

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7) Make sure your child is engaged in an extracurricular activity

This way, schoolchildren can learn to be responsible by handling additional tasks such as coming on time or having the right equipment ready. They also get an opportunity to interact with others their age which helps improve social skills and self-esteem. A healthy mental state requires personal growth through exploring interests and abilities outside of academics, like dance, sports or art.

8) Model proper behavior

Parents play an important role in helping their children develop positive mental health by demonstrating the desirable traits they want them to acquire. This means that they should be kind, empathetic and responsible towards others, respect authority figures and know how to solve conflicts without resorting to violence. Parents who live healthy lives are more likely to have mentally stable kids.


Schoolchildren can learn positive mental health by developing self-esteem and resilience to stress. They should also be encouraged to engage in activities that instill a sense of responsibility and compassion for others as well as having healthy eating habits and sufficient rest because both physical and mental health are important to overall well-being. If nothing seems to help your child, do not hesitate to consult a psychiatrist in Bhopal.

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